The PyPi installation will actually build a new copy of CCL from source as the code is installed. In order to do this, you will need CMake installed on your system. See the instructions below for Getting CMake. Once you have CMake, simply run: $ pip install pyccl. Installing the PostgreSQL installer. After downloading the installer run the downloaded dmg package as administrator user and follow the below steps: Step 1: Click the Next button. Step 2: Choose the installation folder, where you want PostgreSQL to be installed, and click on Next. Step 3: Select the components as per your requirement to. This guide discusses how to install packages using pip and a virtual environment manager: either venv for Python 3 or virtualenv for Python 2. These are the lowest-level tools for managing Python packages and are recommended if higher-level tools do not suit your needs.
Installation script for Datalad and related components
Project description
GitHub| PyPI| Issues| Changelog
datalad-installer is a script for installing Datalad, git-annex, andrelated components all in a single invocation. It requires no third-partyPython libraries, though it does make heavy use of external packaging commands.
datalad-installer requires Python 3.6 or higher. Just use pip for Python 3 (You have pip, right?) to install it:
Alternatively, download the latest version directly from<>.
datalad-installer provisions one or more components listed on the commandline. Each component is either a software package (i.e., Datalad or git-annex)or an environment in which software packages can be installed. If nocomponents are specified on the command line, the script defaults to installingthe datalad component.
Global Options
-E FILE, --env-write-file FILE | |
Append any PATH modifications or othershell commands needed to use the new componentsto the given file. This option can bespecified multiple times. If this option isnot given, the data is written to a temporaryfile whose location is logged at the beginningof the program. | |
-l LEVEL, --log-level LEVEL | |
Set the log level to the given value. Possiblevalues are “CRITICAL”, “ERROR”,“WARNING”, “INFO”, “DEBUG” (allcase-insensitive) and their Python integerequivalents. [default value: INFO] | |
--sudo <ask|error|ok> | |
What to do when the script needs to run acommand with sudo or privilege escalation:ask for confirmation (default), error, or runwithout confirmation. This is always “ok”on Windows, where the system always asks forconfirmation. | |
-V, --version | Display the script version and exit |
-h, --help | Display usage information and exit |
Creates a Python virtual environment using python -m venv. Subsequentdatalad components on the command line will be installed into this virtualenvironment by default if not overridden by an intervening componnent.
-e ARGS, --extra-args ARGS | |
Specify extra command-line arguments to pass topython -m venv | |
--path PATH | Create the virtual environment at PATH. Ifnot specified, the environment will be createdin a directory in $TMPDIR. |
Installs the latest version of Miniconda. Subsequent conda-env componentson the command line will use this installation, and subsequent datalad andgit-annex components will be installed using this conda by default if notoverridden by an intervening component.
The Miniconda installation script is downloaded from$ANACONDA_URL/Miniconda3-latest-$OS-x86_64.{sh,exe}, where$ANACONDA_URL is taken from the environment, defaulting to
--batch | Run the Miniconda installation script in batch(noninteractive) mode. This option is alwaysin effect when installing on Windows. |
-e ARGS, --extra-args ARGS | |
Specify extra command-line arguments to pass tothe Miniconda installation script. | |
--path PATH | Install Miniconda at PATH. If notspecified, it will be installed in a directoryin $TMPDIR. |
--spec SPEC | Space-separated specifiers for packages toinstall in the Conda base environment afterprovisioning. |
Creates a Conda environment. If there is no preceding miniconda componenton the command line, Conda must already be installed on the system, and thisinstallation will be used to create the environment.
Subsequent datalad and git-annex components will be installed into thisenvironment by default if not overridden by an intervening component.
-e ARGS, --extra-args ARGS | |
Specify extra command-line arguments to pass tothe conda create command. | |
-n NAME, --name NAME | |
The name for the new environment. If notspecified, a random name will be generated. | |
--spec SPEC | Space-separated specifiers for packages toinstall in the new environment. |

Installs & configures NeuroDebian.
-e ARGS, --extra-args ARGS |
Specify extra command-line arguments to pass tothe nd-configurerepo command. |
Installs git-annex. The component takes an -m, --method optionspecifying the installation method to use; the supported methods are:
- apt
- autobuild
- brew
- conda (only supported on Linux)
- datalad/git-annex:tested
- datalad/git-annex
- datalad/packages
- deb-url
- dmg
- neurodebian
- snapshot
If no method is specified, or if the method is set to “auto”, then the mostrecent component on the command line that provides a compatible installationmethod will be used. If there is no such component, the first supportedcomponent from the following list will be used:
- conda
- apt
- neurodebian
- brew
- autobuild
- datalad/packages
A specific version to install can be specified for those methods that supportit by suffixing “git-annex” with “=” and the version number on thecommand line.
The git-annex component also accepts all options for the supportedinstallation methods; options not belonging to whichever method ends up usedwill be ignored.
Installs Datalad. The component takes an -m, --method optionspecifying the installation method to use; the supported methods are:
- apt
- brew
- conda
- deb-url
- pip
If no method is specified, or if the method is set to “auto”, then the mostrecent component on the command line that provides a compatible installationmethod will be used. If there is no such component, the first supportedcomponent from the following list will be used:
- conda
- apt
- neurodebian
- brew
- autobuild
- datalad/packages
A specific version to install can be specified for those methods that supportit by suffixing “datalad” with “=” and the version number on thecommand line.
The datalad component also accepts all options for the supportedinstallation methods; options not belonging to whichever method ends up usedwill be ignored.
Installation Methods
Install with sudo apt-get install. Supports installing specific versions.
--build-dep | Run sudo apt-getbuild-dep instead ofsudo apt-get install. |
-e ARGS, --extra-args ARGS | |
Specify extra command-line arguments to pass tothe installation command. |
Downloads & installs the latest official build of git-annex Does not support installing specific versions.
This installation method is only supported on Linux and macOS.
Install with brew (Homebrew). Does not supportinstalling specific versions.
-e ARGS, --extra-args ARGS |
Specify extra command-line arguments to pass tothe installation command. |
Install with conda install. Supports installing specific versions.
-e ARGS, --extra-args ARGS |
Specify extra command-line arguments to pass tothe installation command. |
Downloads & installs the artifact from the latest successful build ofdatalad/git-annex for the running OS.Does not support installing specific versions.

This installation method requires a GitHub OAuth token with appropriatepermissions. It must be specified either via the GITHUB_TOKEN environmentvariable or as the value of the hub.oauthtoken Git config option.
--install-dir DIR |
Directory in which to unpack the *.debpackage instead of installing it system-wide.If this contains the string {tmpdir}, itwill be replaced with the path to a directoryin $TMPDIR. (Linux only) |
Downloads & installs the artifact from the latest build of datalad/git-annex that produced artifacts for therunning OS. Does not support installing specific versions.
This installation method requires a GitHub OAuth token with appropriatepermissions. It must be specified either via the GITHUB_TOKEN environmentvariable or as the value of the hub.oauthtoken Git config option.
--install-dir DIR |
Directory in which to unpack the *.debpackage instead of installing it system-wide.If this contains the string {tmpdir}, itwill be replaced with the path to a directoryin $TMPDIR. (Linux only) |
Downloads & installs the artifact from<> for the running OS.Supports installing specific versions (though note that the version strings forthis method tend to include Git commit information, e.g.,“8.20210127+git111-gbe5a0e4b8”).
This installation method is only supported on Windows.
Download & install a given *.deb package. Does not support installingspecific versions.
-e ARGS, --extra-args ARGS | |
Specify extra command-line arguments to pass tothe installation command. | |
--install-dir DIR | |
Directory in which to unpack the *.debpackage instead of installing it system-wideIf this contains the string {tmpdir}, itwill be replaced with the path to a directoryin $TMPDIR. If this contains the string{version}, it will be replaced with thepackage’s version. (git-annex only) | |
--url URL | Specify the URL of the *.deb package. Thisoption is required for this installationmethod. |
Install git-annex to the /Applications directory from a properly-built*.dmg image. Does not support installing specific versions.
Install Python
This installation method is only supported on macOS.
--path PATH | Specify the path to the *.dmg image. Thisoption is required for this installationmethod. |
Install from NeuroDebian repositories with sudo apt-get install. Supportsinstalling specific versions.
--build-dep | Run sudo apt-getbuild-dep instead ofsudo apt-get install. |
-e ARGS, --extra-args ARGS | |
Specify extra command-line arguments to pass tothe installation command. |
Install with python -m pip. Supports installing specific versions.
If a venv component is previously given on the command line, theinstallation will be performed in that virtual environment; otherwise, it willbe performed using the same Python used to run datalad-installer.

--devel | Install the given component from its GitHubrepository instead of from PyPI. |
-e ARGS, --extra-args ARGS | |
Specify extra command-line arguments to pass tothe installation command. | |
-E EXTRAS, --extras EXTRAS | |
Specify (comma-separated) package extras toinstall. |
Downloads & installs the latest official snapshot build of git-annex Does not support installing specific versions.
This installation method is only supported on Linux and macOS.
Release historyRelease notifications | RSS feed
Install Pip Dmg Free
0.1.0a1 pre-release
Install Pip Global
Download files
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.
Filename, size | File type | Python version | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size datalad_installer-0.5.4-py3-none-any.whl (22.8 kB) | File type Wheel | Python version py3 | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size datalad-installer-0.5.4.tar.gz (30.1 kB) | File type Source | Python version None | Upload date | Hashes |
Install Pip Git Bash
Hashes for datalad_installer-0.5.4-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | b6d207ec8158256fd0a26dab0c079c9230a541a80d5e0dd93bf1a01d604d424e |
MD5 | 690fb7df3f6519925fb1d16ee4e888ab |
BLAKE2-256 | d088e6346c953d3424b5b977f3b8e0d610c052d04ad41efdc2e284facf39c5bc |
Hashes for datalad-installer-0.5.4.tar.gz
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | 1e4cb39ce616192105362b4dc196db730ef9876cfcfdb0668b7c02547ab26c18 |
MD5 | f6c1a7b5d11bfeca9cf87a2512129006 |
BLAKE2-256 | 927952226469b7a1a889dd8fa9ae9d9e25a8c275d3b3383a928cbecd5813163c |