Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine

Fritz GUI
Time 4 +2

Rank Chess Engine ELO Games Score% Draw% Author 1 Stockfish 13.0 3555 19566 88.9 2. Owl Hybrid Top Chess Engines Rating List - Rank Chess Engine ELO Games Score% Draw% Author 1 Stockfish 12.0 361 90.2 18.3 Ro. Adobe 11 mac. Show each game results: Zappa Mexico 32-bit (2789 +16 −16) Quote: Author: Anthony Cozzie (USA) Link: Homepage.

Book : perfect X
EGTB 345

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine Free

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine50 games
EngineZappa Mexico II improve a lot ..on 8 cpu .
If i compare with my last test rybka - Zappa , Mexico II gain 39 elo !!!
Competitor come more and more closer to Rybka now .. We will not see no more 200 elo difference between Rybka and his closest competitor .
I think soon , we will see some chess engine that could beat Rybka 2.3.2 smp
This is pity that now A. Cozzie is 99 % retired

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engineering

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine Full

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine Download

the King of chess engine is in danger

Zappa Mexico Ii Chess Engine Free

Hope Rybka 3 will be out soon ..