Norden Bombsight Manual Pdf


  1. The RAF was working on such a design, the Automatic Bomb Sight, but development was slow and it had not been accepted for use when the war started. Learning of a similar design developed by the US Navy, the Air Ministry began extensive negotiations in an effort to gain a production licence for this Norden bombsight.
  2. Norden bombsight manual pdf - File size: 4611 Kb Version: 4.2 Date added: 21 May 2015 Price: Free Operating systems: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 MacOS Downloads: 3886 DOWNLOAD NOW Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it norden bombsight manual pdf simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online.

Bombardiers' Information File (BIF)

Bombsight View Of Wwii a Norden bombsight without these (unless you have a Automatic Bombing Computer, which I believe made these mostly obsolete). WW2 Bombing Tables for Norden Bombsight eBay This is a bombardier’s kit as used in conjunction with the Norden Bombsight on the B-17, B-24, B-29, and other bombers. I put this together based.

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  • Mike Voisin

Published: March 1945

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Item: 000022

Viewed: 13155 times

Comments: 5 (see below)


  • Armament
  • Bombardment
  • Training


  • Carlsbad Army Air Field; Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA


  • Mike Voisin


  • Private Collection

Related Items:

  • 000021: Navigators' Information File (NIF)
  • 000023: Radar Observers' Bombardment Information File (ROBIF)
  • 000148: Pilots' Information File (PIF)


  • John E. Voisin

Added: January 30, 2007

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This is the complete document. Due to its large size, you can view/download this document in the following separate sections, depending on your interests.

252 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 5096 times

Table of contents and front matter.

10 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 1394 times

Section 1: General
Bombardier's Kit; Jackbox; Microphones; Radio Telephone; Alphabet;

14 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 710 times

Section 2: Fundamentals of Bombing
Bombing Problem; Bombing Tables; Bombing Errors; Bombing Analysis;

20 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 877 times

Section 3: Computers
E-6B Computer; Automatic Bombing Computer; C-2 Computer; AN Computer; G-1 Computer; Time-of-Run Computations;

14 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 693 times

Section 4: Instrument Calibration and Navigation
Free Air Temperature Gage; Airspeed Indicator; Altimeter; Magnetic Compass; Gyro-stabilized Flux Gate Compass; Astro-compass; Pilotage Navigation; Dead Reckoning Navigation; Radio Navigation;

20 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 564 times

Section 5: C-1 Autopilot
C-1 Autopilot; Preflight Procedure; Engaging Procedure; Flight Adjustments; Formation Stick;

14 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 577 times

Section 6: M-Series Bombsight
M-Series Bombsight; Norden Bombsight; Preflight Procedure; Field Inspection and Care; Cold and Hot Weather Operation; Bombing with Defective Bombsight; Glide Bombing Attachment; X-1 Reflex Sight;

30 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 887 times

Section 7: Armament
Bombs; AN-M56A1; AN-M66A1; AN-M65A1; AN-M64A1; AN-M58A1; AN-M57A1; AN-M40 Fragmentation Bomb; AN-M30A1; AN-Mk1 Armor-Piercing Bomb; AN-Mk47 Depth Bomb; M-47A2 Smoke Bomb (Phosphorous); M70 Gas Bomb; AN-M12 Incendiary Cluster Bomb; Fuzes; B-17 Bomb Racks and Controls; Intervalometer; B-24 Bomb Racks and Controls; B-29 Bomb Racks and Controls; A-26 Bomb Racks and Controls; Caliber .50 Machine Gun; Gun Turrets; Bendix Chin Turret (B-17); Emerson Nose Turret (B-24); Remote Control Turret System (B-29);

28 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 1195 times

Section 8: Combat Bombing
Bombardier's Checklist; Briefing and Interrogation; Target Folders; Target Identification Checklist; Camouflage; Train Bombing; Flak Analysis and Evasive Action; Formation Bombing; High Altitude Bombing; Medium Altitude Bombing; Minimum Altitude Bombing; Tactical Variations by Theater; European Theater; Far Eastern Theaters; Maneuvering Targets; Camera Bombing; K-22 Camera; K-24 Camera; B-7 Camera Intervalometer; Bombing Through Overcast;

40 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 671 times

Section 9: Emergencies and Precautions
First Aid in Flight; First Aid Kits; Physical Fitness; Effects of High Altitude; Oxygen Equipment; A-14 Demand Oxygen Mask; A-10A Demand Oxygen Mask; Portable Oxygen Equipment; Pressure Breathing; Dangerous Gases; Flak Suits; Flak Helmets; Vision at Night; Fire Fighting; Parachutes; Type B-7 (AN6512) Parachute; Type B-8 Parachute; Type B-9 Parachute; Type QAC (AN6513-1 or AN6513-1A)) Chest-type Parachute; Type A-3 Parachute; Type A-4 Parachute; Life Preserver Vest; Swimming Through Fire; Ditching; Life Raft Kits and Discipline; Signal Devices; Pyrotechnic Pistols; M2 Pistol; AN-M8 Pistol; M8 Smoke Grenade; M3 Smoke Grenade; Body Signals; Panel Signals; Warm Climate Health; Cold Climate Health; F-2 Electrically Heated Flying Suit; F-3 Electrically Heated Flying Suit;

54 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8.5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 0 times

Index and back matter.

8 pages; PDF (.pdf)
Original item: Book; 8,5 x 11 inches
Viewed: 491 times

Comments (Add a Comment)

Norden Bombsight Manual Pdf Download

[1] Mike Voisin (12-Jul-2008 05:46 PM)

This book belonged to my father, John E. Voisin. He trained as a bombardier at Carlsbad, New Mexico.

[2] Reed Hammans (08-Nov-2008 01:26 PM)

This is an outstanding site--and this set of documents is particularly interesting. I just sent a link to this to a former bombardier of the 95th BG. Thanks for keeping this site updated so regularly.

[3] Tom Nicoud (12-Jan-2010 06:30 PM)

Dad was a bombardier with the 95th Bomb Group (H). I am part of the AZ Wing of the CAF and am doing some research on the Norden that is part of our B-17G 'Sentimental Journey'. We are trying to maintain and restore the onboard systems as accurately as is feasible.
Thanks for the great resource!

[4] Heather (29-Jul-2011 05:16 PM)

Thank you so much for posting. A very valuable reference.

[5] Deborah Bullman (18-Oct-2019 02:49 AM)

I am selling one of these. My listing will be going on ebay at the weekend. I was unsure of the rarity/value of this item. Your thoughts would be much appreciated.
Regards Deborah Bullman

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Curator: Mike Voisin

Army Air Forces Collection Item 000022 is licensed by Mike Voisin under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Norden Bombsight Manual Pdf

Collection Items Copyright © 2006-2021 Mike Voisin. Some rights reserved.